Saturday, 29 May 2010


Here are some quick ideas I had for the sphere project, the first one I had was to design a sphere made of lego. The animation would be lego blocks building on top of each other to create the sphere. I liked this idea and thought it could work well but creating each individual block and making them fit together flush enough to create a sphere seemed an unnecessary difficulty.

The second rough design was of a bird of some sorts, it was going to be a fly but decided rather than creating a set of legs just a pair of legs and wings would be easier to manage and animate in the long run. Once the drawing was half completed I had completely gone off this design and feel as though I should have kept on with the drawing to see how well it could've worked. However I still feel as though it wouldn't of been the right choice.

Another design idea I had was to have a spider drop down of a web and curl its legs into itself to create a sphere. I had high hopes for this idea as the animation seemed fairly straight forward and the design seemed simple enough. However once I go into the Maya file and started to design the spider I realized it would be alot more complicated than I first thought.

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